


The purpose of the Washington state leave sharing program is to permit state employees, 在没有明显增加成本的情况下,国家提供休假、病假 休假或个人假期,以帮助处于失业状态的同事 患有或有亲戚或家庭成员患有特殊疾病 or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition; a fellow state employee who is a victim of 家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪;  a fellow 因怀孕致残而患病或暂时致残的国家雇员 or for the purpose of 育婴假; or a fellow state employee who has been called to 统一服务中的服务, which has caused or is likely to cause the employee 无薪休假或终止受雇(RCW 41.04.660). 皇冠8868会员登录谷学院的员工可以参加休假共享计划 根据 RCW 41.04.665 如所附的WVC程序所述.



500.380 统一服务共享休假池政策
500.385 养父母共同休假政策
500.390 退伍军人在职共享休假池政策
1500.375 共享休假程序
1500.380 统一服务共享休假池程序
1500.385 寄养父母共享假池程序
1500.390 退伍军人在职共享休假池程序


The shared leave program allows eligible Washington state employees who accrue leave 捐出部分累积年假、病假和/或个人假期 hours to a co-worker or other state employee who will need to take leave without pay or separate from employment for the reasons listed below under "Receiving 共享的离开." 此外,符合条件的州雇员可以在此计划主题下捐赠休假 受下文“捐出共享假期”所界定的限制. 除了…之外 RCW 41.04.650 though RCW 41.04.670 创造和管理这个项目, WAC 357-31-380 通过 WAC 357-31-455 为非公务员雇员提供共用假期指引 谈判单位的成员. 参加集体谈判的雇员 unit should refer to the applicable bargaining unit agreements regarding shared leave 规则和程序.

A. 军警部门,养父母 & 退伍军人在州内服务共享休假池

除了捐款,一名员工可以直接向另一名员工捐款, 符合条件的员工可要求捐赠或从公司获得共享休假时间 Washington state uniformed services shared leave pool, the foster parent shared leave 和/或退伍军人的州内服务共享休假池. 更多信息 可在WVC政策500中找到.380, 500.385和500.390和程序1500.380, 1500.385 和1500年.390.

B. 接受共享休假

员工有资格获得共同休假捐款,如果董事的人力 人事部或指定人员确定该员工符合以下标准:

  1. The employee suffers from or has an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental 一种状态 异常或严重的性质 员工已经用完了,或者即将用完他们所有的补偿金 时间,个人假期,假期信用,假期和病假. 员工不是 要求用完所有的累积假期和病假并能维持 最多40小时的假期和40小时的病假.
  2. 员工有照顾者的责任 相对 or 家庭成员 suffering from, an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which 是一个 异常或严重的性质雇员已使用或即将使用所有符合资格的补偿金 时间,个人假期,假期信用,假期和病假. 员工不是 要求用完所有的累积假期和病假并能维持 最多40小时的假期和40小时的病假.
  3. 员工需要时间 育婴假 并已使用,或即将使用他们所有符合条件的补偿时间,个人 假期,假期信用,假期和病假. 员工不需要这样做 deplete all of their accrued vacation and sick leave and can maintain up to 40 hours 还有40小时的假期和病假.
  4. 雇员因与怀孕有关的医疗而生病或暂时残疾 condition or miscarriage, and has used, or is about to use all of their eligible compensatory 时间,个人假期,假期信用,假期和病假. 员工不是 要求用完所有的累积假期和病假并能维持 最多40小时的假期和40小时的病假.
  5. 雇员是……的受害者 家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪 并已用完或即将用完所有符合条件的个人假期、假期 信用和休假. 雇员不需要耗尽所有的应计收入 假期并可保持长达40小时的假期休假.
  6. 该员工被叫到 统一服务中的服务 (也看到 RCW 38.40.060),并已使用或即将使用所有合资格的补偿时间、个人假期、 假期信用,假期和带薪军假. 员工不需要这样做 耗尽他们所有的累积假期和军事假期,最多可以维持40 几个小时的假期和40个小时的军假.
  7. 该雇员是一名 认可应急工作人员,并已使用或即将使用所有符合条件的补休时间、个人假期、 假期信用和休假. 员工不需要消耗所有的 他们的累积假期,可以保持长达40小时的假期.
  8. The employee is a current member of the uniformed services or is a veteran as defined under RCW 41.04.005, and is attending medical appointments or treatments for a service connected injury 或残疾,雇员已经使用,或即将使用所有他们符合条件的 补休时间,个人假期,假期抵扣,假期和病假. The employee is not required to deplete all of their accrued vacation and sick leave and 能否保持40小时的假期和40小时的病假.
  9. 雇员是现役军人或退伍军人的配偶 定义如下 RCW 41.04.005, and who is attending medical appointments or treatment for a service connected injury 或残疾,在参加预约或治疗时需要协助; 员工已经用完了,或者即将用完他们所有的补偿金 time, 个人假期,假期信用,假期和病假.

NOTE: An employee receiving industrial insurance wage replacement benefits 可能不 receive 共享休假收入超过基本工资的百分之二十五 在本节下. (RCW 51.32).

C. 申请共享休假

认为自己符合上述资格要求的员工可以 request shared leave by submitting all the following documentation to the human resources 办公室:

  1. 共享休假申请表-可在人力资源(HR)网站上获得.
  2. 家庭病假申请表-可在人力资源网站上获得.
  3. Appropriate documentation for the reason you are requesting shared leave, as follows:
    1. A shared leave medical certification form (not needed for 育婴假), available 在人力资源网站.
    2. For the employee’s severe, extraordinary, or life-threatening illness or injury; a U.S. 劳动部认证表格WH-380-E,可在人力资源网站上获得.
    3. For the employee’s need to care for a family or 家庭成员’s severe, extraordinary, or life-threatening illness or injury; a U.S. 劳动部证明表格 WH-380-F,可在HR网站上找到.
    4. 请育儿假,证明分娩或安置收养或寄养 care.
    5. 对于妊娠残疾,美国的一项研究表明.S. 劳动部认证表格WH-380-E, 可以在人力资源网站上找到.
    6.  For victims 家庭暴力,性侵犯或跟踪的证据; one or more of the 以下(WAC 357-31-405):
      1. A police report indicating that the employee was a victim of domestic violence, sexual 攻击或跟踪.
      2. 保护或隔离雇员与行为实施者的法庭命令 家庭暴力,性侵犯或跟踪的证据.
      3. 法庭或检察官提供的证据表明该雇员曾出庭或正在出庭 预定出庭,与一起家庭暴力事件有关, 以员工为受害者的性侵犯或跟踪.
      4. 一份员工的书面声明,该员工是家庭暴力的受害者, 性侵犯或跟踪.
      5. 证明该员工是家庭暴力,性侵犯或 被下列人员或其家属跟踪 member sought assistance in addressing the domestic violence, 性侵犯或跟踪:
        • 为家庭暴力、性侵犯或跟踪受害者辩护的律师.
        • 一位律师.
        • 神职人员神职人员中的一员.
        • 医生:有资格以这种方式发表意见的医生或其他专业人员.
    7. For active duty service in a uniformed service; a copy of their military orders.
    8. For service as an emergency worker; a copy of the proof of having volunteered to provide services for governmental agency or a nonprofit organization engaged in humanitarian relief in an area of the United States where a state of emergency has been declared, and proof that a governmental agency or nonprofit organization has accepted the employee's 提供服务.


D. 需要共享休假的通知

人力资源办公室将通过校园电子邮件公布招聘信息. 请求者的 name and reason for shared leave (event or crisis) will remain confidential and will 未经请假员工明确许可不得公开.

E.  捐赠共享假

凡有年假、病假或事假的员工,可提出申请 approval to donate leave to an approved shared leave recipient by submitting a completed 共享假期捐赠表格,可在人力资源网站上查询. 分享假期的捐赠 必须符合下列有关捐赠假期类别的规定:

  1. 假期离开:
    捐出假期的员工可能不会捐出会减少的工作时间 他们的假期余额低于80小时.
  2. 病假:
    员工 donating sick leave 可能不 donate an amount of leave that would drop their accumulated compensable sick leave balance below 176 hours for classified and exempt 教职员工工作时间为154小时.
  3. 个人假期:
  4. 事假天数:
    事假天数 可能不 被捐赠.
  5. 各机构/院校/地区共用假期:
    With the approval of the heads of both employers, shared leave, in the form of monetary funds, may be transferred from employees from one employer to an employee of another 州雇主,教育服务区或学区.

The director of human resources or designee will approve the form to verify that the 员工有资格捐赠假期.

NOTE: 雇员不得捐款 annual leave hours that would otherwise be lost on the next 超过最高休假日的周年纪念日. 雇员不得捐款 休假、病假或事假,否则将失去由于 离职.

F. 共同休假的计算

Computation of shared leave shall be performed in accordance with the Washington State 财务管理办公室(OFM).40.10). 赠与人的美元价值 在受赠人家里为受赠人转让和购买共享休假的休假 工资率.

G. 休假管理

共享休假程序将按照OFM规定执行. In an effort to improve the administrative workload process of the shared leave program, the procedure for processing shared leave will be “batched” at the discretion of the 人力资源总监或指定人员处理请假事宜.e.,每“批”将 be processed and used up in full based on the leave needs of the employee requesting 每个发薪期的休假. 一旦休假用完,那批将被关闭 下一批剩下的将被处理.

H. 休假和未使用的共享休假

The recipient employee uses the donated leave as if it was their own, and is not required 以偿还他或她所使用的假期的价值.

使用共享假期的员工继续得到相同的待遇 to salary and employee benefits as the employee normally receives if using their own leave.

在整个假期中,员工最多可获得并使用522天的共享假期 国家工作年限. 学院可以批准超过 在特殊情况下522天的员工有资格分享假期 因为员工患有疾病、受伤、损伤或身体不适 或具有特殊或严重性质的精神状态. 共享假期 for B. 以上第8和第9条不包括在522天的限制中.

任何未使用的共享休假的值将以其原始值返回给 employee or employees who donated the leave when the human resources director or designee 发现该休假不再需要或在未来某个时间不需要 与合格条件的连接.

Before a determination is made to return unused shared leave, the human resource director 或指定人员必须从受影响的雇员那里收到一份雇员的声明 healthcare provider verifying that the illness or injury is resolved; or, the employee is released to full-time employment; has not received additional medical treatment for their current condition or any other qualifying condition for at least six months; and the employee's doctor has declined, in writing, the employee's request for a statement 表明该员工的状况已得到解决.

To the extent administratively feasible, the value of unused leave which was transferred 超过一名员工的奖金将按比例返还.

I. 休假后返回工作岗位

If an employee was on leave due to their own serious illness, a return to work/fitness 有关值班表或同等材料,必须事先提交给人力资源办公室 为员工的回归干杯.

J. 共享休假记录

The human resources office will code and transfer all approved shared leave and maintain 此类转移的所有记录. 记录将包括:

  1. 批准的共享休假申请表和适当的文件,如果适用的话.
  2. 经批准的共享假期捐赠表格,包括捐赠者的姓名和机构.
  3. 调入或调出的假期数量和该假期的货币价值.
  4. 所有共享休假交易的日期,包括未使用的捐赠的恢复 leave.
  5. 机构间转账信息,包括机构负责人审批和资金转账 记录.

所有共享休假交易将按照以下规定进行处理和维护 胶卷暗盒规定.

经总统内阁修订和批准:1999年9月、2007年4月24日、2007年8月1日、2009年11月2日、 12/8/10, 9/10/10, 6/4/19, 3/21/23

500.375 共享休假政策
500.380 统一服务共享休假池政策
500.385 养父母共同休假政策
500.390 退伍军人在职共享休假池政策
1500.380 统一服务共享休假池程序
1500.385 寄养父母共享假池程序
1500.390 退伍军人在职共享休假池程序