


被欺侮 is prohibited 与in the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) community. 按照 与 RCW 28 b.10.900在美国,“欺侮”包括在一个人的招募、入会、 宣誓、加入或加入学生组织、运动队、 或生活团体,或与该组织有关的任何消遣或娱乐, 造成或可能造成身体危险的运动队或生活群体 physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student or other 就读于公立或私立高等教育机构或其他大专院校的人 华盛顿州的制度,包括导致、指挥、强迫或强迫 食用任何食物、液体、酒精、药物或其他使人上瘾的物质的人 这个人要冒这种伤害的风险,不管这个人是否愿意参与. “欺侮”不包括传统的体育赛事或其他类似的比赛或比赛. This prohibition applies to conduct that may occur both on and off campus. 在合规 与 RCW 28 b.10 (903-907), the college will implement procedures and programs, including offering students and employees hazing prevention training and programming, implementation 强制报告程序,建立防止欺侮委员会,还有 publication of a hazing report.

Moved from old manual and approved by the board of trustees: 7/31/01
修订后的pproved by the president’s cabinet: 4/15/03, 4/25/23
Adopted by the board of trustees: 6/4/03, 5/17/23
政策 contact: 学生服务

Related policies and procedures

400.100 学生的权利 & Responsibilities/Code of 学生 Conduct 政策
1400.110 Code of 学生 Conduct 过程
1400.530 使朦胧过程


A. 目的

为满足实施要求,特制定以下程序 欺侮政策400.530. In addition to the definition stated in policy 400.530年,被欺侮 是否进一步定义为包含一个或多个特征的任何活动 下面描述:

  1. Activities that expose personal values to compromise or ridicule.
  2. 滥用组织努力在成员之间建立的信任的行为 潜在的成员.
  3. 与组织目标没有任何关系的噱头.
  4. Activities that humiliate or subject individuals to circumstances 与 which they are not comfortable, or of which they are fearful.
  5. Activities which are illegal or violate college policy.
  6. Activities which interfere 与 academic pursuits or normal life functions.
  7. 一些被禁止的行为包括强迫吞咽不常见的物质, 强迫饮酒或吸毒、过度运动、睡眠或感觉剥夺.

成员参与欺侮活动的个人和/或团体或组织 will be subject to appropriate college disciplinary action.

B. 定义

组织一个组织由几个相互联系的人组成 已在学院注册为学生组织(如俱乐部、体育俱乐部、 or fraternities and sororities).

集团: A group consists of a number of persons who are associated 与 the college and 彼此,但谁没有注册,或不需要注册,作为一个学生 组织(包括但不限于运动队,音乐或戏剧合奏, 未注册为学生组织的学术或行政单位及社团).

大学社区: 教师, staff, learners, volunteers (e.g., club advisors and other volunteers), 组织、团体、校友和顾问参与由 在校内或校外举办活动的特许或未特许的大学团体或组织.

特许完成登记表并获得认可的团体或组织 由学院的学生会联合执行机构指派特许 groups, clubs, or organizations, or similarly responsible college department.

不合规则的由大学社区成员组成的团体或组织 没有得到大学附属学生认可的活动或事件 government or similarly responsible college department.


  1. 被发现对阴谋或参与欺侮负有责任的个人 subject to applicable penalties including:
    1. Termination of employment;
    2. 学术驱逐;
    3. Punishment pursuant to the state’s criminal code RCW 9.20.021;
    4. 在一段时期内丧失获得国家资助的补助金、奖学金或奖励的权利 of time determined by the college; and/or
    5. 失去对组织、协会或学生生活团体的认可或控制 由学院提供.
  2. 任何故意允许欺侮的组织、协会或学生生活团体 is strictly liable for harm caused to persons or property resulting from hazing. If 该组织、协会或学生生活团体都是一个法人,无论是为 营利或非营利,公司的个别董事可以单独持有 赔偿责任.

D. 培训

所有员工包括学生员工和志愿者都必须接受欺侮预防 training, either electronically or in person, on the signs and dangers of hazing, as well as the college’s prohibition against hazing.

学院必须为学生提供关于欺侮的教育项目,包括 有关欺侮意识、预防、干预和学院政策的信息 禁止被欺侮. This programming can be provided either in person or electronically and must be part of the college’s new student orientation sessions. 程序必须 also be posted on the college’s public website for the public, including parents, legal guardians and volunteers to review. RCW 28 b.10.904


如果,由于在雇用过程中收到的意见或信息,或 志愿服务,任何雇员,包括学生雇员,或在皇冠8868会员登录的志愿者 山谷学院有合理的理由相信发生了欺侮,那名员工 或者由志愿者向指定人员报告,或者委托他人报告 权威. Designated authorities include any student conduct officer, the office of the associate dean of campus life, equity & inclusion, vice president of student services, and the office of human resources. The employee or volunteer shall make the report at the first opportunity to do so.

目击欺侮或有合理理由相信欺侮发生的人 或者将会发生并善意举报的行为不可能受到制裁或处罚 除非这个人直接参与了计划,指挥, or act of hazing reported.

"合理理由"指的是目击欺侮或收到可信书面证明的人 or oral report alleging hazing or potential or planned hazing activity.

本程序中的任何规定均不得阻止个人独立报告欺侮行为 or suspected hazing activity to law enforcement.


The WVC 被欺侮 Prevention Committee shall promote and address hazing prevention. In 根据 RCW 28 b.10.905,委员会最少应有六名委员,包括一名指定主席 by the president of the institution. Fifty percent of the committee positions shall 包括目前在WVC就读的学生,至少有一个职位由学生填补 from a student organization, athletic team or living group. 另外的50% of the committee positions shall include at least one faculty or staff member and one parent or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled at the institution. 学生 input shall be considered for committee membership. A student who is a member of a 与某项发现有关的学生组织、运动队或生活团体 在过去12个月内有欺侮行为的会员不得参加或成为会员 of the hazing prevention committee. The chair of WVC’s 被欺侮 Prevention Committee is the vice president of student services or designee.


学院将维护并公开报告违反《皇冠6686会员登录》的实际发现 code of conduct, antihazing policies, or state or federal laws relating to hazing or offenses related to alcohol, drugs, sexual assault, or physical assault by any WVC student organization, athletic team, or living group, in 根据 RCW 28 b.10.906.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 4/25/23
政策 contact: 学生服务

Related policies and procedures

400.100 学生的权利 & Responsibilities/Code of 学生 Conduct 政策
400.530 被欺侮的政策
1400.110 Code of 学生 Conduct 过程